Promoting women's access to employment and entrepreneurship in agriculture (GAEA)

Funding informations

Project duration: 11/2021 – 07/2024

Project code number: 101056279

Funding guideline:  Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances

Project concept

Initial situation

The agricultural sector is difficult for women to access as a source of employment. Specifically, the proportion of women in the agricultural sector is estimated to be low, especially in managerial positions. Thus, women are still underrepresented as farm managers in agricultural enterprises. Consequently, there is still a noticeable gender gap in agriculture.

Target groups and their benefits

The GAEA project is aimed at young women in rural areas. It aims to help them develop their entrepreneurial skills and thus find new employment opportunities in agriculture. In addition, the GAEA project targets policy-makers and policy-making bodies with the aim of formulating official policy proposals and influencing public institutions to make more informed decisions about incentives and training opportunities for women to enter agricultural businesses.

Project goal

The GAEA project aims to improve the quality of entrepreneurial training in the agricultural sector for young women in rural areas. It also aims to support women who are not in employment or education (NEETs).

Role of SoWiBeFo

SoWiBeFo leads the internal quality assurance, coordinates data collection and analysis of user feedback. SoWiBeFo also provides support in dissemination.

Products and publications

  • Comprehensive needs analysis for the development of a curriculum
  • Development of a learning platform and an app for matching personal skills and career opportunities in agriculture
  • Dissemination, especially on social media channels
  • Development of policy recommendations



  • Cyprus: IMH C.S.C. LIMITED
  • Cyprus: GrantXpert Consulting Ltd.
  • Spain: International Consulting and Mobility Agency Sociedad Ltd.
  • Germany: Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e.V.
  • Czech Republic: Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita Praze
  • Norway: Prios Kompetanse
  • Hungary: Union of Hungarian Women
  • Netherlands: Skilllab B.V.
  • Belgium: Comite des Organisations Professionnelles Agricole de’l Union Europeenne Copa Association de Fait
  • Greece: Emporiko Kai Viomichaniko Epimelitirio Herakliou
  • Poland: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji I Prezedsiebiorczosci
  • Greece: Panepistimio Patron
  • Slovenia: Univerza v Mariboru

Website and social media


Trainingprogramm im Erasmus+ Projekt GAEA

Das Erasmus+ Projekt GAEA richtet sich an junge Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten. Sie sollen dabei unterstützt werden ihre unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten auszubauen und damit neue Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in der Landwirtschaft zu finden....

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Dritter Newsletter im Erasmus+ Projekt GAEA

Das Erasmus+ Projekt GAEA spricht junge Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten an, um unternehmerischen Kompetenzen auszubilden und für neue Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in der Landwirtschaft anzuregen. In den letzten Monaten haben wir hierzu...

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