Developing digital-Self-learning Courses in Social Entrepreneurship for the future of collaboration between University and Community (DigiFunCollab)

Funding informations

Project duration: 09/2023 – 08/2025

Project code number:  KA220-HED-7DFDF6FE

Funding guideline:  KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project concept

Initial situation

The DigiFunCollab project addresses the horizontal priority "Shared values, civic engagement and participation". Universities have the need to improve their service to society and to promote and protect European democratic values such as active citizenship in order to shape social change through third mission activities.

Target groups and their benefits

The DigiFunCollab project is aimed at university staff and students, who are supported in strengthening their sense of citizenship and social commitment as well as developing social entrepreneurial skills.

Project goal

The aim of the DigiFunCollab project is to activate universities for their role as social actors in society and to expand opportunities for social entrepreneurship. The DigiFunCollab project promotes and evaluates social initiatives in the context of universities and civil society.   

Role of SoWiBeFo

SoWiBeFo is responsible for internal quality assurance, coordinates data collection and analyzes user feedback. SoWiBeFo also supports the development and dissemination of the project results.

Products and publications

  • Cross-national inception study and national reporting on social entrepreneurship skills
  • Development of a curriculum and digital self-learning course in the field of social entrepreneurship 
  • Monitoring and documentation of social initiatives between universities and civil society
  • Development of political recommendations for action


  • Italy: Universita Telematica Pegaso s.r.l. (Project coordination)
  • Germany: Verein für sozialwissenschaftli che Beratung und Forschung  
  • Slovenia: Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije  
  • Romania: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

Website and social media


Digifun Collab Treffen in Slowenien September 2025

Im September 2025 kamen die Projektpartner im Projekt DigiFUnCollab in der malerischen Stadt Piran, Slowenien, zusammen. Das darauffolgende Management-Treffen in Celje, einer weiteren charmanten Stadt Sloweniens, diente dazu, Strategien zur...

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