Utilisation of training potentials for SMEs in Eastern Bavaria (bevoplus)
Funding informations

Project duration: 11/2011 – 10/2014
Project code number: 21BBNJ09
Funding guideline: Förderschwerpunkt „Neue Wege in die Duale Ausbildung – Heterogenität als Chance für die Fachkräftesicherung“
Project concept
Initial situation
As a result of demographic change, migration and the high attractiveness of large, supra-regional companies, SMEs in the Eastern Bavarian region can no longer assume that they will be able to secure their skilled labour needs in the future without strategically oriented training. Especially the traditional recruitment and selection strategies are often a hindrance for young people with heterogeneous prerequisites, i.e. atypical social, cultural and school characteristics. It is easily overlooked that these young people in particular often have special potential and talents as well as the right motivation for an apprenticeship, which is why it should be of interest to SMEs to include them in a long-term perspective of securing skilled labour locally.
Target groups and their benefits
The bevoplus project supports heterogeneous, young target groups on their way to dual training. For this purpose, SMEs in Eastern Bavaria in particular are addressed, which want to secure their need for skilled workers in the long term. They are supported in the vocational-pedagogical planning and strategic design of training preparation by addressing a new group of young people who are suitable for training. The project is particularly aimed at those responsible for training in SMEs, who are enabled to promote the training ability of young people with heterogeneous prerequisites in a targeted manner with regard to their own training requirements (e.g. internships preparing for training). In cooperation with chambers, associations, municipalities and educational institutions, the transition to in-company training was improved.
Project goal
The bevoplus project enables the responsible staff of training SMEs to independently implement suitable vocational preparation measures. The focus here is on the design of successful transitions of heterogeneous young people in order to secure skilled workers in the future in their own interest. The changing demographics (smaller cohorts) and heterogeneity (young people have different life histories and learning prerequisites) require early initiative on the part of SMEs, i.e. systematic planning and implementation of a regionally networked training market strategy that taps the training potential in the young working population.
Role of SoWiBeFo
In the model project, SoWiBeFo took over the development and implementation of the action research design to answer project- and programme-specific questions. A causal action model with agreed, operationalised target indicators for the navigation of the actors throughout the project as well as instruments for survey, evaluation and documentation were developed. During the trial phase, several surveys were conducted to test the causal, intervention and action hypotheses of the collaborative project and to integrate the design-relevant feedback from the actors. Furthermore, SoWiBeFo took over the preparation of the results for communication, dissemination and transfer.
Products and publications
- Creation of a guideline for training-oriented work experience (AoBp) with practical assistance for trainers to increase the number of promising applications for existing training places
- Development of a training-oriented internship model (working methods, behavioural aspects, training-related potential analysis) as an instrument for the targeted selection and preparation of internship participants and trainees.
- Gesellschaft für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung GmbH (IFP)
- Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e. V.
Associated Partners
- Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsgruppe GmbH
- Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH
- Regensburg Institut für Berufs‐ und Betriebspädagogik der Otto‐von‐Guericke‐Universität Magdeburg
Website and social media
We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.