Innovation in sensor technology from the balance of flexibility and stability (INNOinSENS)
Funding informations

Project duration: 08/2009 – 04/2013
Project code number:
Funding guideline: BMBF-Programm “Arbeiten – Lernen – Kompetenzen entwickeln. Innovationsfähigkeit in einer modernen Arbeitswelt”
Project concept
Initial situation
The high-tech sensor industry is under high pressure to innovate. There is often a lack of skilled workers for its demanding tasks. Especially for SMEs, the "war of talents" is a challenge and often they cannot cope with this problem alone. In other sectors, clusters in particular, as cooperative networks, have proven their worth in securing skilled workers and competitiveness. Clusters are a suitable platform for this, under whose umbrella companies and skilled workers can network and achieve joint success. Cooperation with other companies opens up new possibilities and approaches to solutions, and contributes to the recruitment and retention of skilled workers.
Target groups and their benefits
The INNOinSENS project is aimed at SMEs in the sensor industry, in particular the Bavarian sensor network. In particular, it is aimed at project leaders, HR managers and executives of SMEs who are to be enabled to mobilise their resources and innovation potential within the network and to develop innovative strategies for the sustainable recruitment and retention of skilled workers.
Project goal
The INNOinSENS project aims to develop a scientifically accompanied trust-based culture of innovation in the Bavarian cluster for sensor technology, which serves as a strategy for the sustainable recruitment and retention of skilled workers. The focus of the development and testing was a transferable pilot model of a strategically networked, sustainable human resources development strategy that supports SMEs in their innovation projects and skilled labour retention in every phase of their professional biography. For this purpose, a sensor technology pool of skilled workers was established. It is a structured service offer for SMEs in the sensor technology cluster that can be adapted to company and individual needs with an individualisable portfolio of consulting, profiling, matching, further training and coaching components that strengthens technical, business management, methodological and personal innovation skills. What was original about this sensory skilled labour pool concept was the orientation towards the flexicurity principle in order to ensure a seamless transition between different companies and to look for the skilled workers in the cluster first.
Role of SoWiBeFo
SoWiBeFo was responsible for the formative-responsive evaluation of the project and took over the scientific accompanying research.
As part of the project, the Strategic Partnership for Sensor Technology e. V. received the award as "Competence Network 2009 - Best Network Service" from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It proves the quality and sustainability of the activities of one of the best networks nationwide.
Products and publications
- Evaluation of risk and success factors in innovation processes of the sensor technology cluster
- Identifying generalisable characteristics of functioning cultures of trust in innovation sectors
- Development of an action model as a navigation system for trust-relevant tasks and creation of a guideline for reflecting on trust-building in cooperation processes
- Initiation and monitoring of critical processes of trust-building between heterogeneous cluster stakeholders (including a common guiding goal, sub-projects, cooperative development)
- Identifying the requirements for innovative approaches to the development of innovation competencies and cultures of trust in the high-tech sensor industry
- Development of a strategically networked, future-proof human resources development strategy as a practicable approach to balancing flexibility and stability in a sector-specific manner
- Germany (project coordination): Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V.
- Germany: Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e. V.
- Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut e. V. (OTTI e.V.)
- IFP – Gesellschaft für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung mbH
- MicroEpsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG
- Gefasoft Automatisierung und Software GmbH
We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.