Digital learning coaches in cluster companies (CoDiCLUST)

Funding informations

Project duration: 04/2018 – 03/2021

Project code number: 01PA17017

Funding guideline: Transfernetzwerke Digitales Lernen in der Beruflichen Bildung (DigiNet)

Project concept

Initial situation

Despite extensive development work by the BMBF, many SMEs do not yet make sufficient use of the possibilities offered by digital learning media. Digital learning media offer extensive opportunities to train and further educate trainees and employees faster, better and more flexibly. In particular, they can become co-creators of their own learning. In organisational development, clusters in particular have proven their worth as a support system. Clusters have the potential to accompany their member companies in the introduction of new methods of human resource development, to advise them and to build up a personal network of company practitioners and education experts.

Target groups and their benefits

The CoDiCLUST project is aimed at SMEs in the Bavarian sensor technology cluster that want to digitalise their company learning processes and provide employees with digital media for time and location-independent learning. Human resource managers, human resource developers and trainers are particularly addressed, who should be enabled to design, produce and implement digital learning media together with the company's stakeholders. They should be able to moderate and advise digital learning projects in order to digitalise the company learning system iteratively and incrementally.

Project goal

The CoDiCLUST project aims to discover and use the potential of digital learning in SMEs. To this end, a new service point for digital learning was established in the Bavarian sensor network. It organises the exchange of knowledge in the sensor network and involves external experts on the topic of "digital learning". Within the framework of the project, practical and demand-oriented qualification offers are developed in order to establish a learning network and to train the experts of the SMEs to become Lots:innen für digitales Lernen in KMU (LoDiLe). The LoDiLe are the contact persons for other employees in the SMEs on the topic of "digital learning" and involve the actors in the implementation of the developed "roadmaps for digital learning". Through the dialogue-participative work process, they can take up needs from the concrete everyday work and bring them into the development of digital learning media.

The CoDiCLUST project was successfully implemented, evaluated and was one of the three winners of the "Deutscher Personalwirtschaftspreis" in the category "HR Digital" in 2021.

Products and publications

  • Evaluation of previous funding projects in the field of digital learning 
  • Sensitisation of SMEs in the sensor cluster and needs assessment
  • Conducting an initial study and ongoing surveys on the status of the use of digital learning media in the sensor technology cluster
  • Development of a qualification offer (e.g. seminar series "Digital Learning Pilots (IHK)", virtual consultation hours, network meetings)
  • Development of a role profile for the service point for digital learning in cluster organisations and networks (digital learning coach) with an innovative service portfolio
  • Development of a role profile for digital learning pilots with a competence matrix 
  • Development of a handout for initiating, advising, accompanying and evaluating organisational development processes in the field of digital learning (roadmaps for digital learning) and multimedia dissemination via website (including method cases, learning videos, interviews): Website
  • Creation of a virtual exhibition and publication of 30 roadmaps for digital learning together with the participating SMEs as good practices



  • Germany (project coordination): Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V.
  • Germany: Universität Regensburg - Rechenzentrum
  • Germany: Universität Regensburg Professur für Erziehungswissenschaften, Schwerpunkt: Lernen mit visuellen Medien
  • Germany: Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e. V.

Website and social media


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